(16/12/24) Belly Rubbing

I had an epiphany on how I could implement belly rubbing.
I didn't want to take on a new set of sprites that I'd have to animate and another keybind to setup as I feel the game has enough buttons to press already.
So, you're going to have to pick up some of the work. When the Explorer has a big belly you can rub it by holding down left click while hovering over it with the mouse cursor. While rubbing, your prey digestion speed will be doubled, but this only applies to digesting defeated prey, not still living prey.
This'll be the last update for a little while until after the holiday period as I, like most people, will be busy with real life.
Thanks for trying it out!


Endeavore Dawn Seeker (Installer) 79 MB
10 days ago
Endeavore Dawn Seeker (Zip) 66 MB
10 days ago

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Half the battle is finding a bearable way of implementing things- glad to see it put in!


With this mechanic, it became faster and more cheerful. Class.